A new take on wine to bring out your

Social Butterfly

Booming Curiosity & Excitement

During Spring 2023, I was taking some of my favorite marketing courses, Buyer Behavior,
Product Strategy, Pricing & Channels, as well as Advertising and Promotional Management.
While learning and working on course assignments and projects, I became inspired to create
my own faux-brand/product called Bubblefly.

At the very beginning I had already jumped the gun, created the product… but not the brand.
Working with my Professor, we were almost teaching an old dog (me) “new tricks” to work backwards to find consumer insights, market research, and other interesting factors to support and develop this product concept.

In doing so, I was able to find a treasure-trove of rich in-depth insights on the alcohol category, the wine category, age demographics for drinkers, and many other forms of statistics, interviews, and graphics.

The result?
There was a need for this product, and there still is. Through conducted research, I was able to find that the wine category is drying out and is in need of a reawakening. Despite it being the most affluent and accessible, many younger consumers see wine as a drink for older adults and tend to stray away from wine for parties and social gatherings. Additionally, I found that our target audience socializes and parties with more mobile drinks, such as canned beverages. With that, Bubblefly takes flight with combination of wine’s affluent nature and a canned beverages socialibility factor to bring out consumers Social Butterflies.

Take a look at the Bubblefly
slide deck here


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